Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Retrograde Planets : Brief Summary on its effects on People

Planets move in retrograde to reconsider and rethink or revisit the impact or change they left on our lives. We could think of it this way: what was done previously or any influence or changes in life recently observed need a revision or improvement. There could be some modifications, repetitions, corrections and / or change of mode necessary before making things permanent. So it is more like double checking! 

Retrograde planets are usually about self reflecting a person's quality. For example, Jupiter retrograde people are agnostics or atheists and philosophers. But at the same time it kind of decreases the positive properties of that planet. Only exceptions are Mercury and Saturn. 

Saturn retrograde is a blessing as this means now Saturn will open up the boundaries and limitations it has set up for you although it will make you work hard but you will almost always yield the fruits of your labor. 

In case of Mars, the person will not be able to know where to expend or focus his energies or he may not allocate any energy or may not make any efforts at all! 

Mercury retrograde makes the person very careful and anxious in communication and while doing anything related to mercury like logical reasoning, mathematical calculations or writing an email they'll think more than normal person does! Basically the type of people who will calculate 1.5+1.5 on calculator and see if the answer comes to 3 or not just to be sure. So in a way it strengthens the mercurian properties. 

However, by just looking at one planet, you cannot completely define the personality. There are lots of other combinations, planetary placements (Rashi) and conjunctions that you have to take into consideration. Especially conjunction with a malefic/benefic and aspect of a malefic/benefic. Those alter the results of retrogression significantly. 

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Businessman with Ketu's affliction on Headline

A rare palm with Pishacha yog in hand. Formation of headline is in two parts. Excellent mount of venus. Person is sensual and has strong business acumen due to presence of mercury lines. Strong lines of obstruction are seen from mount of mars causing legal, business disputes and financial losses.

But the person will recover and then settle down after 45th year.

saturn mars exchange reduces pishacha yog by 50%. Yuv rekha or island on mercury mount causes business fluctuations. For more details watch the full video

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Vladimir Putin's Palm Reading according to Hindu Palmistry

 This hand is square shaped and it has dark Mars lines. The Fate line is close to lifeline suggesting venus and saturn are close to each other. 

There is a line from the Moon that joins a fate line.The Fate line starts on the Rahu plain. Jupiter line is forked. Jupiter and Mars have parivartana yoga they get exchanged. 

There are some indications of Ketu Mars energies merging due to headline assuming shape of tail. It could be by aspect or otherwise suggesting a deeply secretive person. 

Mercury line starts from Venus and mercury line is starting from inside hence the mercury is placed before the Venus in the birth chart and must be in Virgo technically. The Mercury line actually forks into two parts one goes to the sun Mount and the other goes to the mount of mercury. 

The sun and Saturn mount has V shape lines if you observe the mounts clearly the Vishnu symbol is visible shows ability to exert influence across all departments.

For detailed analysis watch the video

Heart line shape and head line shape are exactly symmetrical this means that there is a Parivartana yoga between Mars-Jupiter. 

The most surprising is the progress line actually it is a line that is geometrically parallel to fateline. The life line has a fish sign at the end. 

The Vidya Rekha is long and prominent it shows extreme magnetic power or knowledge to influence people Sun finger is long and amplifies the effect

Narendra Modi Palm Analysis

 Narendra Modi has 3 headlines

One is attached to lifeline forming a curve known as bandhana yog until 35 to 36 years.

Second headline starts at junction of jupiter mount and lifeline. It is forked and touches heartline. This shows that person wants to control or capture everything.

3rd headline is a hanging piece with a fork and a curve. There is a junction of 3 lines. You can see the fork and a mercury line passing through this point. So
3 lines at one point. 

  a) curve of headline with fork shows STRONG chandra mangal yog and very strong influence of Rahu.

b) mercury line passing through it makes it even more significant. This is because mercury line is from Fate line (originating from moon mount). It shows saturn has high degrees (almost in simha rasi) and therefore has a strong third aspect on moon.

So above combination means:

Mars + moon + mer + rahu:
Manipulative thinker
Fighter spirit
Tough minded
Takes advantage of the situation
Harsh language 
Sometimes shows extreme cowardice

The heart line stops at saturn shows highest level of opportunism

Coming to Jupiter mount: it is vakri and occupies large area overlapping saturn and reaching near mars. This shows that Modi has Dharma Karmadhipa yog (astropalmistry yoga).

Fate line merges into Jup mount. Short upward tail of fate line shows vakri aspects.

Mars Rahu conjunction is disaster for married life unless it is aspected by good planets or weakened by the other effects. Most unfortunate for spouse and marital life.

Venus mount is so small shows that he has no financial aspirations in life.

 Fate line: 3 fatelines:

1) short one starting on life line 
2) again 2nd one starting on lifeline but merging
3) starting on mount of moon

Thumb is long like a hood and it shows love for authority.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Chandra Mangal Yoga on Palm; Hindu Palmistry "Yogas through Palm lines"

 Palm of a 27 year old male. This hand has Chandra Mangal yoga. I have explained it in my video. This hand also shows Parivartana Yoga; Excellent prospects after age 33. Watch the full video on the following link to my channel 

Palm Reading of President Joe Biden as per Hindu Palmistry

 A detailed descriptive video on Hindu Palmistry using palm lines that represent energy flow and planetary influences on a person. President Joe Biden's palm has extremely good signs such as Star, Vishnu symbols as well as exceptionally strong Retrograde planets (Jupiter and Saturn). I have described use of palm chart in this video to explain the ancient vedic palmistry and astrology techniques in predicting events. You can watch the entire video on the following link

SADE SATI Predictions with BNN & Bhrigu Nadi Astrology

 SADE SATI RESULTS EXPLAINED WITH BNN + BHRIGU NADI DICTUMS Highlights: * Break in Shani rekha * Unique Tail like lines on Shani parvat * BN...