Showing posts with label palmistry learning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label palmistry learning. Show all posts

Sunday, December 29, 2024


 I am writing a book on Nadi Palmistry. This blog lists the contents for one of the topics in my book i.e JEEVA REKHA or Heart line.

Jeeva Rekha or Jupiter line or Heartline is one of the three principal lines in any palm. In Nadi, Jupiter is known as Jeevakaraka. The line originates from Jupiter mount at the base of the forefinger. Hence, this line is named Jupiter line or Jeeva Rekha

**The book would have large number of illustrations to make learning process easier. Tutorial video links on my youtube channel would be included as a part of this book. These videos are uploaded in the "private" mode. **

The subtopics included in this section are:

What are the other names of Jeeva rekha?

What does this line signify?

Origin and length of Jeeva Rekha

Orientation of line and its results. 

Jeeva Rekha from a Nadi Jyotisha perspective

Karakatwa of Jupiter as per Bhrigu Nadi Jyotisha

Jupiter graha as lagna or pivot 

Brief overview of Jupiter Rounds : Progression / Transit / use of Vimshottari Dasha

Jupiter's Binnastaka varga & its results

Placement of Rashis of Jupiter in the palm

Signs of Rashis on Jupiter mount and their results

Shubha  & Ashubha signs / patterns found on Jupiter and their results

Defects observed in Jupiter line & their results

Jupiter's Yuti with other graha and their results

Jupiter's placement relative to Rahu-Ketu

Shukra Mudrika / Girdle of Venus and Jupiter's placement in Rashi chart

Markata Rekha / Simian Crease and its relation to Jupiter

Tutorial Video links on Jeeva Rekha. I plan to upload 10 videos. This will help readers to understand the patterns and variations within each pattern. 

SADE SATI Predictions with BNN & Bhrigu Nadi Astrology

 SADE SATI RESULTS EXPLAINED WITH BNN + BHRIGU NADI DICTUMS Highlights: * Break in Shani rekha * Unique Tail like lines on Shani parvat * BN...