Thursday, June 9, 2022



NO Marriage / Unsuccessful Marriage / Lack of Interest in Married Life Combinations / Ascetic
Some combinations that "seem" to suggest the above. Please do not assume that it is the "truth" and start assuming blindly!
These are some indications which have been observed in charts where the above was seen.
If it is there in your chart and you are not a sanyasi or you are happily married, it could be due to other factors.
But these are "indications" which any student of astrology could use as a starting point in his chart analysis.
You may choose to ignore the post in case it looks too basic for you. Here are some combinations:-
1) Saturn + Moon + Ketu (Sanyasa Yoga)
2) Saturn + Ketu + Mars (Langoti Yoga)
(Credits to Shri. Satya Ohja sir)
Above two are a part of NO Marriage / Unsuccessful marriage / Uninterested in Family -married life Yoga.
Some additional parameters that need to taken along with above::
** Karaka (Venus / Mars) must be afflicted; Malefic afflicted Venus in shirshodaya sign except Libra
** Check for Parivartana (if any); example: Check Swami Vivekanand ji's chart
** In some charts, Saturn & Ketu combination also seems to show a bit of detachment or lack of interest in material-family related matters (reasons could be spiritual / professional or other)
** In Nadi, we consider 1-5-9 as conjunction
(Compiled from Shri. Satya Ohja sir's youtube video series on "No Marriage combinations"
Other combinations that "may" indicate strong possibility of Sanyasa Yoga are:
3) Moon in Navamsha of Mars or Saturn + Moon must be aspected by Saturn only in Lagna chart
4) Lagnesh and Saturn are weak (may indicate)
5) Malefic in 7H and benefic in 9H (may indicate)
6) Lagnesh + 10H Lord + either (6H lord / 8 H Lord)
7) When both Lagnesh & 10H are afflicted by Sun, Saturn & Rahu




(1) Mercury in 6H of D-10 chart is not good for job/ service. But is good for Business
(2) Saturn in 6H of D-10 chart is excellent for job / service
(3) If 6H in D-10 has a malefic then it is good for business
(4) If 7H in D-10 has a malefic then person should do job
(5) Venus in 6H of D-10 chart can show Private sector jobs / MNC
(6) Mars in 6H of D-10 chart can show law enforcement / police / defence forces etc

Please verify if these are accurate and if not kindly suggest based on your D-10 charts.

*** NOTE: For any profession related matters, D-1 forms the basis. This post is ONLY for RESEARCH PURPOSE***



Continuing on Dasamsa Chart (D-10), some important observations that might help everyone in making the D-10 chart reading easier are as follows:
1. Dharma : 1 - 5 - 9 houses in D-10 (Karaka: Mer + Jup)
1 = Self ; 5 = Subordinate ; 9 = Boss
2. Artha (Status) : 10 - 2 - 6 houses in D-10 (Karaka : Mars + Sun)
10 = Work ; 2 = Resources ; 6 = Assistance (Staff)
3. Kama (Desire): 7 - 11 - 3 houses in D-10 (Karaka: Sat + Rahu)
7 = Business ; 11 = Gain / Profit ; 3 = Enterprise / agreements
4. Moksha (Spiritual): 4 - 8 - 12 houses of D -10 (Karaka: Ven + Moon)
4 = Office ; 8 = Retirement ; 12 =Loss
5. The 10H of D-10 is known as Karya Bhava or Action. The Karaka for the Karya bhava are as follows:
Mercury = Skills ; Sun = Giver; Saturn = Your efforts ; Jupiter = Fruits of the work

6. The 6H of D-10 is service and karaka is Saturn

7. The 7H of D-10 is Business and Karaka is Mercury

8. ** Important tip: To predict or to learn more about profession, check the Amatyakaraka (AmK) and 10L of D-1 lagna chart and check its placement in D-10 (Dasamsa)............TEST this on Charts

9. AmatyaKarak shows the Nature of Work in D-10

10. The Darakarak shows the Financial prospects in D-10



 CHILDBIRTH: Checklist- D-1 / D-9 / D-7

The following need to be considered for Child Birth:
  1. Venus & Jupiter
  2. 5H and 5L from Venus and Jupiter
  3. 5H, 5L
  4. 9H, 9L (Specifically seen for second child & must be well placed for 1st)
  5. Lagna Lord
  6. Beeja Sphuta (Male)
  7. Kshetra Sphuta (Female)
Check in both D-1, D-9 & D-7
Delayed Childbirth : Checklist
  1. 5H / 5L - weak / afflicted:::: Retrograde, combust, debilitated, enemy sign, papakarthiri, Mrityubhaga, planetary war (graha yudh), must not be 8th ( from D-1's placement) in D-7 / D-9
  2. 5H / 5L are associated with 6/8/12 H / L
  3. If Lagnesh & Jupiter are weak (as mentioned in (1))
  4. For males if Venus is weak (point (1) criteria)
  5. For females, if along with Venus, Moon & Mars are weak; These two control menstrual cycle
  6. Weak Beeja Sphuta : For males this should not be "Even sign" - check in D-1, D-9, D-7
  7. Weak Kshetra Sphuta: For Females this should not be "Odd sign" - check in D-1, D-9 and D-7
  8. Saturn, Rahu, 12H, 12L create delays when associated with 5L / 5H
  9. If in the case of Males, Beeja sphuta is in Odd sign in D-1 and Even in D-9 or vice versa then with medical treatment, child birth is possible. Similar case for Females.
  10. If Beeja Sphuta falls in 9H & Kshetra Sphuta falls in 5H then chances of progeny are reduced significantly
  11. Malefics in 5H from Beeja Sphuta and 9th from Kshetra Sphuta also makes them weak

Members are requested to contribute if there are more observations.


Astropalmistry = Astrological analysis based on Palm lines!

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