Tuesday, October 11, 2022



In astrology, Venus + Rahu is seen in a bad light because it is associated with high sexual drive. This is not entirely true.
In Palmistry, Venus + Rahu is considered as "Addiction". The addiction could be for sex, coffee, research, music, work etc... Basically, it means that a person will take to the extremes in a particular activity.
When we see Venus + Rahu combination in a chart and want to verify if it is negative (Sensual / sex drive) then following points might help:
1) Lifeline must take more space
2) Venus mount should have grille or clear triangle
3) Venus mount or sandhikshetra between Venus -Mars should have Til (Mole). The color of the mole will indicate type or intensity.
4) Thumb is small or there is dual thumb
5) Bluish / greenish tinge on venus mount.
6) Heart line bends sharply towards mount of saturn
7) Moon mount and Venus mount are close to each other and bulging or skin ridges of these mounts are merging or opposing (7th aspect)
8.) Shukra Mudrika (Girdle of Venus / Shukra kangan): Does not always show negative traits. Check the shape and interfering lines on Shukra Mudrika.
In addition to these, the shape of the palm(Fire / Earth / Air / Water types) is very important along with the finger orientation.
DO NOT predict negative traits for natives who have "Venus + Rahu" in their charts until and unless you see the above mentioned formations. If you don't see these formations and pronounce your judgement, then it would be total injustice meted out to the native.
In my earlier posts, I have posted symbols / signs for various graha. Based on the sign / symbols found on the palm, we can conclude some of these personality traits. Please observe the above mentioned points before coming to a conclusion!
For instance,
- Venus sign on Mars OR Mars signs on Venus = lust
- Venus + Mercury = lust for business / loves a person for gains
- Venus + Saturn = long term love / lower category or base level lover / Age difference / some physical deformation with one or both lovers
- Venus + Jupiter = Platonic love / Spiritual love
- Venus + Ketu = lack of drive or other gender or uninterested
- Venus + Sun = lowers the drive / child birth issues in females
- Venus + Moon = Poetic Love / Romantic types / Actors - performers
PRECAUTION: As a palmist, it is important NOT TO REVEAL these traits because it can either cause embarrassment or the palmist may get beaten black and blue!! So better avoid.
If you ever see any such formations, be dignified in saying that "you should be careful with opposite gender" OR "you should not trust opposite gender" OR simply avoid!!
I had worked on Palms of many spiritual babas of India using pics from internet with my friend who is also a palmistry enthusiast. People should exercise caution before taking mental / spiritual refuge in Babas who have opened their shops. One of these famous babas is now enjoying the hospitality of Tihar Jail!!
Spiritualism cannot be a Branded Business. But Business of Spiritualism is rampant these days. This is my personal opinion. I could be completely wrong.
Note: The palm formations for cheats / fraudsters / scamsters is different. I will discuss those in the upcoming posts.

Thursday, June 9, 2022



Points mentioned below are from different books. Please add more to the list below & build a comprehensive list for the benefit of all the learners.
1)Planet in Navamsha sign of AK in D-1: Sun
Government services, Semi- govt sector, Public services (Medical etc)
2) Planet in Navamsha sign of AK in D-1 : Moon
Education / Training, consulting, Artists, HR
3) Planet in Navamsha sign of AK in D-1: Mars
Law enforcement agencies (police), Defence services, Fire / electricity / construction related jobs
4) Planet in Navamsha sign of AK in D-1: Mercury
Entreprenuers, Business, traders, social worker (NGO), political workers
5) Planet in Navamsha sign of AK in D-1: Jupiter
Guru, Guide, Domain experts, Advisors, Spiritual Leaders, person who carries forward some tradition
6) Planet in Navamsha sign of AK in D-1: Venus
MLA, MP, Gram panchayat member, neta / politician, local level leadership roles in organizations (union leaders) etc
7) Planet in Navamsha sign of AK in D-1: Saturn
Traditional business / profession (Lineage)



NO Marriage / Unsuccessful Marriage / Lack of Interest in Married Life Combinations / Ascetic
Some combinations that "seem" to suggest the above. Please do not assume that it is the "truth" and start assuming blindly!
These are some indications which have been observed in charts where the above was seen.
If it is there in your chart and you are not a sanyasi or you are happily married, it could be due to other factors.
But these are "indications" which any student of astrology could use as a starting point in his chart analysis.
You may choose to ignore the post in case it looks too basic for you. Here are some combinations:-
1) Saturn + Moon + Ketu (Sanyasa Yoga)
2) Saturn + Ketu + Mars (Langoti Yoga)
(Credits to Shri. Satya Ohja sir)
Above two are a part of NO Marriage / Unsuccessful marriage / Uninterested in Family -married life Yoga.
Some additional parameters that need to taken along with above::
** Karaka (Venus / Mars) must be afflicted; Malefic afflicted Venus in shirshodaya sign except Libra
** Check for Parivartana (if any); example: Check Swami Vivekanand ji's chart
** In some charts, Saturn & Ketu combination also seems to show a bit of detachment or lack of interest in material-family related matters (reasons could be spiritual / professional or other)
** In Nadi, we consider 1-5-9 as conjunction
(Compiled from Shri. Satya Ohja sir's youtube video series on "No Marriage combinations"
Other combinations that "may" indicate strong possibility of Sanyasa Yoga are:
3) Moon in Navamsha of Mars or Saturn + Moon must be aspected by Saturn only in Lagna chart
4) Lagnesh and Saturn are weak (may indicate)
5) Malefic in 7H and benefic in 9H (may indicate)
6) Lagnesh + 10H Lord + either (6H lord / 8 H Lord)
7) When both Lagnesh & 10H are afflicted by Sun, Saturn & Rahu




(1) Mercury in 6H of D-10 chart is not good for job/ service. But is good for Business
(2) Saturn in 6H of D-10 chart is excellent for job / service
(3) If 6H in D-10 has a malefic then it is good for business
(4) If 7H in D-10 has a malefic then person should do job
(5) Venus in 6H of D-10 chart can show Private sector jobs / MNC
(6) Mars in 6H of D-10 chart can show law enforcement / police / defence forces etc

Please verify if these are accurate and if not kindly suggest based on your D-10 charts.

*** NOTE: For any profession related matters, D-1 forms the basis. This post is ONLY for RESEARCH PURPOSE***

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