Thursday, June 9, 2022



(1) 8H is known as Mrityu sthan. It triggers sudden events. 8H essentially can "transform" our insecurities into strengths if we understand and get proper guidance. It can also indicate failed relationships leading to new ones as well as career changes. 8H shows hidden sexual strength. It also indicates Kundalini Shakti / Power of soul. Saturn is the karaka graha for 8H.
(2) If Saturn is placed in 8H then such a person is self made, not very social, is either a yogi or a bhogi !!, Marriage may not be happy or chances of spouse cheating / spouse short lived / spouse moody / affair with older partner. The father could live longer or may not be supportive. So there could be a delay in getting paternal property. Progeny issues / impotency are likely especially if Saturn is retrograde. Siblings might be more supportive or harmless. Native can have bodily dysfunction or ailment OR breathing /lung issues, Skin / hair problems OR fast aging. If 8H and 10H are well placed then huge success / gains are possible.
(3) If Mars is linked to 8H there is sudden death or native is reckless or impulsive or irresponsible in financial matters. If Rahu and Ketu are placed in 8H then death happens under mysterious circumstances / suspected deaths. Ketu, if afflicted, can cause problems with debts.
(4) Venus here can make a person over sensual. But it also makes him a master of occult. Partner could bring wealth for native when Venus is in 8H. Jupiter here can make a person very probing. This placement too is good for gains from partner. Mercury can make a person curious / deep thinker. Jupiter OR Sun placed here can also make a person healer, teacher, religious etc. If Sun is afflicted then relations with in laws (F. I . Law) may be unpleasant.
(5) Moon in 8H if afflicted can give rise to psychological issues. But a well placed Moon means gains through legacy. In d-9, 3H also shows carrying forward some legacy (can be related to Bhavat bhavam even in D-1's Third Bhava (? not sure needs to be checked).
--->> Note that these (2, 3,4, & 5) are "not" always true because other factors also need to be taken into consideration such as Rasi / Benefic aspects, Shubha yogas, strong Lagna / Lagnesh etc <<----
(6) If there are good / benefic planets in 8H then death is peaceful. The 8H shows how you died in the past life. It also shows bad Karma in the past life.
(7) If there is Gulika / Mandi in 8H in Prashna chart then it denotes black magic (Abhichara)
(8.) The 8th from any bhava is important because the significations of that bhava become difficult to obtain when the lord of that bhava goes 8 places from its own.
(9) 8th rasi from D-3 lagna is the dreaded 22nd drekkana (diseases and negative happenings). 8th rasi from D-9 lagna is all about sustaining the marriage. Any malefic is undesirable here. 8th from D-9 lagna (or for that matter any graha in 8th from any divisional chart lagna is undesirable). If a kendra/ kona adhipati in D-1 chart goes to 8th rasi in D-9 then it does not give desired results. -- > Any graha or adhipati of 8H of D-10 can cause loss / transformation or changes in Job / work patterns in its Antar Dasha (Please test this on more charts!)
(10) If a graha owns dusthana (6 /12) and goes to 8th then it is vipareet Raj yoga. It is good for Materialistic gains. But negative for jeeva significations. In some cases, this also shows perversion (only an indication!! may not mean it always!!)
(11) 8th from moon is also not auspicious placement for especially if there is a malefic then it harms the person's jeeva significations. In gochar, 8th from the Moon is given importance especially when Saturn transits that rasi. This is known as Asthtama Shani. This period corresponds to mental tensions or intense work pressures (positive / negative)
(12) In a Parivartan yog, if any graha lands up in 8H then it loses its power. In parivartan, if there is an exchange of 8L with any Kendra or Trikona lord then effects are negative (unless Shubha yoga exists in the chart). Too many graha in 8H can make a person powerful or well known. But it will cause health issues or sudden losses or sudden windfalls.
(13) 8H can show -- > Accidents / fire, calamities, fear from enemies (Terror attacks), capital punishment / imprisonment, mental agony, misfortunes, corruption, worries, obstacles, occult practices, incurable / chronic diseases, disgrace, dishonor distractions from work or family, religious conflicts, robbery / theft, scandals, Death / Suicide (cause or nature place of death), death by drowning, premature death, , extra-marital affairs
(14) As mentioned above , 8H shows Father's death / longevity, brother's enemies, in female charts it denotes Spouse's longevity, killing of animals (bali pratha / slaughter), Spies, Servants, Serpents, dangerous creatures, poisonous insects
(15) Some materialistic significations of 8H are Bonus payment, lottery, money lending, gratuity, insurance payments, Alimony, spouse's wealth (2nd from 7H), hidden Treasure, inheritance, unearned wealth, unexpected financial gains/ loss, taxes, partnership dissolution, disagreements with spouse, detective, Intelligence department
(16) The diseases related to 8H are usually linked to sex / exernal genital organs, Female reproductive organs, urinary diseases, uterus, loss of body parts
(17) Some places and actions that are related to 8H are Operation theatres, Toilets, Travelling across treacherous places / rivers, Hostels, detention camps, Black Hole, Crematorium, Mining and Underground activities, subversive plots/ operations, sabotage. I have listed some of them in point number (13). These are additional ones which can also be helpful in predictions.
Experts and members, kindly contribute more points that can help everyone in their learning process. NO Charts. No Personal Queries.
These are my "Study Notes" and are subject to modification / improvement . Constructive suggestions are always welcome!
I am testing many concepts of Parashara Paddhati (BPHS) as well as Nadi Jyotisha. Errors / Mistakes may happen.

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