Wednesday, June 8, 2022

INTERESTING DICTUM linking (D-3 & D-9)

 INTERESTING DICTUM linking (D-3 & D-9) :

Consider Maha Dasha or Antar Dasha of any "Graha"

>> Take the LORD of 22nd Drekkana FROM that "Graha" (8th from that "Graha" in D-3)
>> Take the LORD of 64th Navamsa FROM that "Graha" ( 4th from that "Graha" in D-9).

IF the LORD of 22nd Drek and 64th Nav from that Graha is "SAME" then :::

the Graha (MD) -- > LORD (AD) will be EXTREMELY BAD.
Same results for LORD (MD) --> Graha (AD)

NOTE: The LORD must be SAME in both D-3 and D-9 charts.

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