Wednesday, June 8, 2022



This is a repeat post with additional points collected from different sources. Useful for Nadi Jyotisha Students.
When Chandra (Moon)-Ketu are in the same Rasi:
* Without any other Graha / planet
* When Moon's degree is lower than Ketu then this is a strong conjunction
* If Moon and Ketu are within 9 degrees of each other irrespective of who is ahead or behind, some of the points seem to be applicable
* If Ketu's degree is lower than the Moon
The following points compiled from different sources seem to accurately define Chandra (Moon) - Ketu yuti:
# The person may have spiritual leanings
# Mind could be instinctive / Calculative / high ego
# Person is always of a doubting nature
# If negative aspects exist, person enjoys stealing / prone to addiction
# Person keeps secrets close to him
# Possibility of ailments related to back pain/ shoulder either to native or his mother
# Likes aloofness or enjoys seclusion but may not be a complete introvert depending on rasi & aspects
# There is always some fear of unknown sometimes non-existent threat!
# Person may have tendency to repeat some actions / monotonous
# Mother of this person might have faced tough or challenging times
# Person prefers to travel to secluded spots not too crowded or prefers religious or historic sights
# Sometimes, journeys in this person's life might have abrupt endings or may have a tendency to abort travel plans all of sudden
# In the Palm prints, Chandra-Ketu yuti also shows some trouble when a person is in a foreign land. It could be related to visa / paperwork / legal matters / immigration. But it gets resolved and he is able to live abroad thereafter
# Native will always feels himself detached from the society
# Mother will carry tension throughout her life
# Mother has the inclination towards spirituality
# Mother may suffer from tonsillitis or from throat problem
# Moon -Ketu in trines 1-5-9 or 2-12 or parivartana (Taurus -Cancer) then mother will have KNEE / LEG issues
# If Moon's dispositor is with Ketu and if there is a 12H connection then Mother will have LEG / KNEE related issues
# Maternal grandparents may change their original place of birth
# Mother may be youngest sibling; applicable also if Ketu is in 2nd house after Moon OR if Ketu is in Cancer!
# There may be a temple of Goddess near native's House
# In the childhood native will suffer from worm and may have vomiting tendencies.
# Before the marriage of mother there may be some untimely death of a female in mother's own house (Native's Maternal grandparents house).
# Native will suffer from Acrophobia (fear from heights) OR Phonophobia
# If Moon Ketu Yuti is within 1 degree, Mental Illness or abhichara / paranormal experiences
# Moon + Ketu in D9: Disturbance or Sufferings due to one's own people / relatives / countrymen
Request members to contribute any additional or new observations and point out errors in the ones above.


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