Wednesday, June 8, 2022



Simian Crease in Palms

(Heart line + Headline joined together)
* A person with Simian Crease has a determined outlook and can have extremist views in many spheres of life. He / She may find it hard to get along with others.
* This formation could also show a workaholic person who will work.. work and work until midnight!! He / She is goal oriented and seeks to achieve it by exerting.
1)  The position of this line is important. Closer to the headline position, the person will be calculative / money minded. Observe the Mercury finger in this case and see if it is straight or bent towards the sun finger. If it is bent then the possibility of greed for money will be very high.
2)  In female palm, she will always have a self-interest in everything and therefore can lead to breakdown in relationships.
3)  Closer to the position of heartline, a person is hyper sentimental / emotional. This is another extreme!
4) This formation in a female hand is considered unfortunate. It causes severe issues in married life. The female wants to assert herself or break traditional norms or family traditions while in a relationship. But if counselled from childhood, such people can be "very successful" both in professional as well as personal life.
5) The palms with Simian Creases never listen to others' views or are very critical. Even if they listen, they would still do what they have decided. I have seen this formation in the palm of a famous Youtube Astrologer! I was watching his videos and observed this line. His views are extreme. But his tenacity in teaching is incredible!
6) Generally, people with the Simian line are unidirectional thinkers. They are extremely passionate about something or someone they like and give their 100%. If groomed properly they can be high achievers.
7) Former UK PM Tony Blair and Meghan Markle are two famous personalities who have Simian creases in their palm.
* NOTE: The type of Palm (Earthy / Watery / Airy / Fire) gives an accurate description of the nature of the person. The above mentioned points need modification depending on the type of hand, mounts and influence lines in the palm, texture of the palm etc.
8)  I have observed that 80% of the palms with Simian Creases have Jupiter + Mars conjunction (1-5-9) or Jupiter - Mars Parivartana. In Nadi, we generally take graha in mutual trines as conjunction.
9) All the palms that I analysed with Simian creases had either Jupiter-Mars conjunction or parivartana either in lagna or in Navamsha chart. I haven't checked the other varga charts for these palm prints. In short, one can conclude that Jupiter-Mars conjunction / parivartana or aspect (3-7-11) seem to be dominating the chart.
10)  In the charts, those had Simian creases but DID NOT have Jup +Mars connection, I found that either Jupiter OR Mars played an important role in their life (Either Dasha or in Lagna etc).. You may check and contribute if there are more unique observations. This is an ongoing research.
11)  This means that merely looking at a palm with this feature, one can safely conclude that the major deciding factor ( combination /Graha) in this person's life would be Jupiter and Mars.
Note: Not all birth charts that have Jupiter-Mars conjunctions will have Simian Creases!
12) Simian Crease is ONE of the signs found in the palms of kids with Down Syndrome. It is NOT necessary that everyone who has Simian Crease has Down Syndrome!

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