Wednesday, June 8, 2022



Female Native wanted to know if she can do her medical education in the US. She has been preparing for it from her 36th year. Her chart is on the Palm picture (South Indian Nadi Format).
Problem with the chart is exact time of birth is not known! She told me that her time of birth is between 7:30 and 9 PM! So I had to ask her to provide High resolution palm Pics. This was last year (2021).
The lagna was Vrischika (Scorpio) based on the time period 7:30 to 9 PM. Navamsa chart or other div charts cannot be constructed in this case.
The Dasha when she started studying was Mer(MD) --> Moon (AD). Moon is 9L and placed in second house from Mer. 9L and 9H signifies higher learning initiatives or Avenues for growth.
The task was to give her a prediction if she will be able to go to US for her Medical studies or not. She plans to go in 2024.
The challenge is to locate the Rekha that signifies this "Higher Learning Initiative" marked in BLUE in the palm. It took me lot of time to analyse this palm because the question was VERY SPECIFIC.
When we start "timing" this rekha it ends at the 45th year. This year corresponds to the END of Mer (MD) --> Sat (AD) roughly Feb 2026! Also, it is the END of Mercury MD.
Now, when we take a deeper look at this line, it shows that the person WILL NOT be able to study abroad for the desired Medical course. The reason is not only because this Rekha ends abruptly at 45. But there are other reasons which I have explained in my Youtube video.

I asked her if her kids are ok. She then told me that her daughter's health has started to deteriorate from 39. This was visible in the palm. I guess from Mer (MD) --> Rah (AD) too it is possible to give this prediction. Rahu aspects the 5H in her chart as well as Lagna. So I checked the palm signs that showed problem to the kids and also confirmed from the Dasha.
The purpose of this post is to highlight three major points:
(1) Astro-palmistry and Vimshottari Dashas MATCH
(2) Answers to Specific Questions can be found out using Lagna chart + Dasha + Astro-Palmistry
(3) If exact birth time is not known, Astro-palmistry with Lagna chart can be very helpful in predicting. BUT it is a Headache!!! Time consuming and depends on the PICTURE QUALITY OF PALM.
** Note to Astro-palmists:
"" Ignore or avoid reading those palms whose pic quality is poor. Unless, we see the ridges and thin lines clearly, do NOT take up reading those palms""


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