Wednesday, June 8, 2022



The following post is purely based on my personal observations. It is subject to academic scrutiny and discussion based on members' personal experience.
Misconception # 1 :
For Males--> Right Palm and for Females --> Left Palm is seen
Misconception # 2:
Right is Active and Left is Passive!
My observations:
--> Both palms are important. Both palms are "active" just like we have D-1, D-9 and D-60 that are active right from the time we are born!
--> The method of reading the lines in Left palm is COMPLETELY different from Right Palm! Understanding & interpreting patterns and networks of lines in Left Palm is the core or focal point. The lines on / in the right palm are to be read just like normal Palm reading (Chiero / hastha rekha / samudrik shastra)
--> Left palm is VERY important for BOTH Males and Females
--> Left palm shows Prarabdha Karma
--> Left palm gives a clear picture of events / karma / purpose in native's life
--> Whatever Karma a person will experience in this life is clearly seen in Left palm
--> One can compare the left palm to D-9 & D-60 charts (though not the same). It doesn't mean Right Palm is not important. It is similar to D-1
--> Astro-palmistry requires deep study of Left palm + Right palm + Rasi Chart all taken together. Nadiamsha (D-150) requires Thumb impressions
--> Two people born at the same time (within 20 seconds), same place, same family, same sex will have exactly same charts. But they would NEVER have same palm lines or thumb impressions! I have seen that in some rare cases Right palm lines look similar. BUT LEFT palm lines are NEVER the same!
--> If a line is seen in / on the right palm but its confirmation cannot be done in / on Left palm then that line is merely a Gochar / Transit or temporary
--> If there is an event seen in Left Palm and same event is seen in right palm then event is bound to happen
--> Any event that is seen on the right but not on the Left WILL NOT occur
--> I have observed that if an event is seen at around 31 years on the left palm, there is a possibility that it "could" happen after or before 3 to 6 months. But the event is certainly going to occur because its indications are also seen in the right palm
--> The time difference in occurrence of the event seen in the left and right palm is due to Kriyamana Karma, Retro-Motion of planets and / or Desh Kaal Patra
--> The thinnest lines (Ridge lines / Nadika rekha) have the most profound impact! We generally ignore them completely!
--> Best method to view palms is under a tree during the day time. This is because the palmist can expose the palm to sunlight and also take it to the shade
--> The Rahu lines are seen in the shade (Darkness) while the other lines are seen under sunlight. The Rahu lines are generally thin shiny and hence seen clearly in the dark
--> While using a camera, the above mentioned points must be considered
--> In the past, the palmists used Mashi (Ink) to take prints or for direct viewing so that the thinnest lines are CLEARLY visible. Rahu lines appear shiny when ink is applied
Note: I am not an expert. Please don't post any palms. These observations are based upon Real Palm reading.
Astro-Palmistry reading requires Left palm + Right Palm + Rasi Chart.




This is a repeat post with additional points collected from different sources. Useful for Nadi Jyotisha Students.
When Chandra (Moon)-Ketu are in the same Rasi:
* Without any other Graha / planet
* When Moon's degree is lower than Ketu then this is a strong conjunction
* If Moon and Ketu are within 9 degrees of each other irrespective of who is ahead or behind, some of the points seem to be applicable
* If Ketu's degree is lower than the Moon
The following points compiled from different sources seem to accurately define Chandra (Moon) - Ketu yuti:
# The person may have spiritual leanings
# Mind could be instinctive / Calculative / high ego
# Person is always of a doubting nature
# If negative aspects exist, person enjoys stealing / prone to addiction
# Person keeps secrets close to him
# Possibility of ailments related to back pain/ shoulder either to native or his mother
# Likes aloofness or enjoys seclusion but may not be a complete introvert depending on rasi & aspects
# There is always some fear of unknown sometimes non-existent threat!
# Person may have tendency to repeat some actions / monotonous
# Mother of this person might have faced tough or challenging times
# Person prefers to travel to secluded spots not too crowded or prefers religious or historic sights
# Sometimes, journeys in this person's life might have abrupt endings or may have a tendency to abort travel plans all of sudden
# In the Palm prints, Chandra-Ketu yuti also shows some trouble when a person is in a foreign land. It could be related to visa / paperwork / legal matters / immigration. But it gets resolved and he is able to live abroad thereafter
# Native will always feels himself detached from the society
# Mother will carry tension throughout her life
# Mother has the inclination towards spirituality
# Mother may suffer from tonsillitis or from throat problem
# Moon -Ketu in trines 1-5-9 or 2-12 or parivartana (Taurus -Cancer) then mother will have KNEE / LEG issues
# If Moon's dispositor is with Ketu and if there is a 12H connection then Mother will have LEG / KNEE related issues
# Maternal grandparents may change their original place of birth
# Mother may be youngest sibling; applicable also if Ketu is in 2nd house after Moon OR if Ketu is in Cancer!
# There may be a temple of Goddess near native's House
# In the childhood native will suffer from worm and may have vomiting tendencies.
# Before the marriage of mother there may be some untimely death of a female in mother's own house (Native's Maternal grandparents house).
# Native will suffer from Acrophobia (fear from heights) OR Phonophobia
# If Moon Ketu Yuti is within 1 degree, Mental Illness or abhichara / paranormal experiences
# Moon + Ketu in D9: Disturbance or Sufferings due to one's own people / relatives / countrymen
Request members to contribute any additional or new observations and point out errors in the ones above.




(1) Shani moved from Makara to Kumbha Rasi on 29th April 2022. It will remain in Kumbha Rasi until 11th July 2022
(2) While in Kumbha, Shani will turn "Vakri (Retrograde)" on 4th June 2022. So it will start its movement backwards and "move" or ENTER Makara Rasi again on 12th July 2022
(3) Once it ENTERS Makara Rasi on 12th July, 2022, it will move backwards (vakri / retrograde) until 23rd October 2022
(4) After 23rd October 2022, Shani will still REMAIN in Makara Rasi BUT it will now be DIRECT and start moving towards Kumbha.
(5) Shani will FINALLY enter Kumbha Rasi on 17th January 2023
So we can now say that FINALLY Shani's Gochar in Makara Rasi that started on 23rd January 2020 will be COMPLETED by 17th January 2023.
Shani's entry into Makara Rasi in January 2020 was very troublesome for the whole world.
It has been seen that whenever Shani transits Makara, world has witnessed upheavals.
You can trace back to
1932-33 (Great Depression)
1960s (OIL & SPACE discoveries that led to major geo-political allignments)
1992 (Collapse of USSR and Unipolar World)
2020 (Covid and global economic crisis)
Shani affects the economic cycles. When Shani enters Makara (own Rasi), it starts to give its effects early.
In Nadi Astro-palmistry, Vakri and Direct motion of Shani is MOST IMPORTANT. Events are triggered around this time (not exactly same day but + /- ) depending on other Graha gochar movements.
*** NOTE: Dates might change by one or two days based on different calendars***



Female Native wanted to know if she can do her medical education in the US. She has been preparing for it from her 36th year. Her chart is on the Palm picture (South Indian Nadi Format).
For Astro-palmistry, it is IMPORTANT to stick to South Indian Format. I don't want to give any reason why South Indian format is more scientific because then it becomes a controversial issue!!
Fact remains and those who practice (Astrology + Astro-palmistry) will agree with me! I respect and use both North and South Indian formats.
Problem with the chart is exact time of birth is not known! She told me that her time of birth is between 7:30 and 9 PM! So I had to ask her to provide High resolution palm Pics. This was last year (2021).
The lagna was Vrischika (Scorpio) based on the time period 7:30 to 9 PM. Navamsa chart or other div charts cannot be constructed in this case.
The Dasha when she started studying was Mer(MD) --> Moon (AD). Moon is 9L and placed in second house from Mer. 9L and 9H signifies higher learning initiatives or Avenues for growth.
The task was to give her a prediction if she will be able to go to US for her Medical studies or not. She plans to go in 2024.
The challenge is to locate the Rekha that signifies this "Higher Learning Initiative" marked in BLUE in the palm. It took me lot of time to analyse this palm because the question was VERY SPECIFIC.
When we start "timing" this rekha it ends at the 45th year. This year corresponds to the END of Mer (MD) --> Sat (AD) roughly Feb 2026! Also, it is the END of Mercury MD.
Now, when we take a deeper look at this line, it shows that the person WILL NOT be able to study abroad for the desired Medical course. The reason is not only because this Rekha ends abruptly at 45. But there are other reasons which I have explained in my Youtube video.

I asked her if her kids are ok. She then told me that her daughter's health has started to deteriorate from 39. This was visible in the palm. I guess from Mer (MD) --> Rah (AD) too it is possible to give this prediction. Rahu aspects the 5H in her chart as well as Lagna. So I checked the palm signs that showed problem to the kids and also confirmed from the Dasha.
The purpose of this post is to highlight three major points:
(1) Astro-palmistry and Vimshottari Dashas MATCH
(2) Answers to Specific Questions can be found out using Lagna chart + Dasha + Astro-Palmistry
(3) If exact birth time is not known, Astro-palmistry with Lagna chart can be very helpful in predicting. BUT it is a Headache!!! Time consuming and depends on the PICTURE QUALITY OF PALM.
** Note to Astro-palmists:
"" Ignore or avoid reading those palms whose pic quality is poor. Unless, we see the ridges and thin lines clearly, do NOT take up reading those palms""


Astropalmistry = Astrological analysis based on Palm lines!

  Astro-Palmistry Analysis requires Good / HIGH Quality Palm pictures (Left and Right) as well as Birth chart. In majority of the cases, we ...