Thursday, June 9, 2022



-- > The 3H and 8H are houses for Longevity
-- > The 12th from these are the Maraka bhava i. e 2H and 7H
-- > The 2H is the most powerful Maraka bhava
**** IMPORTANT ******
(1) Maraka Graha / Bhava assumes importance ONLY after we determine longevity. Rishi Parashara has mentioned the following: Short Life (below 32) ; Medium Life (below 64) and Long Life (64 to 100) and in some cases beyond 100.
(2) Until and unless we determine the span of life, Maraka graha's or Bhava's significance in predictions may not be considered.
(3) Rishi Parashara has also mentioned that it is difficult to predict longevity before the Native has crossed 20. So it is NOT advisable to predict or even attempt to do such predictions.
Who can be considered as Maraka graha?
-- > 2L and 7L are known as Maraka graha
-- > Malefics in 2H and 7H
-- > Malefics conjunct with 2L and 7L
-- > A benefic graha related to 12L
Which other Graha can act as Maraka as per Dasha?
-- > 8L Dasha can be death inflicting
-- > Dasha of any Malefic can also inflict death
-- > Saturn, if afflicted, and has any form of association with Maraka (2L / 7L), then it will be the most deadly
How can Maraka Graha be determined from the Moon?
-- > If Moon is Malefic (afflicted) then, the 2L and 12L from Cancer (Rasi) are Maraka
-- > If Moon is Benefic (Unafflicted) then 2L and 12L "May" bring only diseases
How is Maraka Graha linked to Nakshatra?
-- > Those having Short life combinations (<32), the death may happen in Dasha of the 3rd lord from Janma Nakshatra ....... Vipat
-- > Those having Medium life combinations (<64), the death may happen in Dasha of 5th lord from Janma Nakshatra.............Pratyak
-- > Those having Long life combinations (64 to 100), the death may happen in Dasha of 7th lord from Janma Nakshatra.............. Vadh
Note :--
BPHS does NOT mention use of Nakshatras for "predictions" unlike what is being popularized these days!
USE of D-1, D-9 and D-60 is of prime importance along with other divisional charts. Correct me if I am wrong (Give me the Chapter number, sloka reference if you want to prove me wrong).
However, it DOES mention Janma Nakshatra / Dasha sequence to be adapted from Nakshatra and for Longevity / Maraka there is mention.
But this is ONLY restricted to the DASHA of the Lord of the Nakshatra as mentioned above.
What is the role of Divisional Charts in determining Maraka?
-- > The Dasha of Lord of 22nd Dreshkana "may" inflict death
-- > The Dasha of Lord of 23rd Dreshkana "may" inflict death
Note: I am not considering Khara Navamsa or Kharesh since it is known as "Death like" and NOT Death. Experts may correct me if my assumption is wrong.
What is the role of RAHU and KETU, do they act as Maraka?
-- > Rahu/ Ketu placed in 1H, 7H, 8H or 12H "can" be Maraka ONLY in their Dasha / AD
-- > Rahu / Ketu, if they are 7th from Maraka Lord
-- > If Rahu / Ketu are placed with Maraka lord
-- > Rahu is "Maraka" for Makar(Capricorn) or Vrischika (Scorpio)
-- > A strong benefic aspect on Rahu / Ketu may not harm the native
**** IMPORTANT ******
(1) Maraka Graha assumes importance ONLY after we determine longevity. Rishi Parashara has mentioned the following: Short Life (below 32) ; Medium Life (below 64) and Long Life (64 to 100) and in some cases beyond 100.)
(2) Until and unless we determine the span of life, Maraka graha significance in predictions may not be considered.
(3) Rishi Parashara has also mentioned that it is difficult to predict longevity before the Native has crossed 20. So it is NOT advisable to predict or even attempt to do such predictions.
NO PERSONAL CHARTS... NO QUERIES..... NO PREDICTIONS... This post is strictly for study purpose
Source: - BPHS (Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra)



(1) 8H is known as Mrityu sthan. It triggers sudden events. 8H essentially can "transform" our insecurities into strengths if we understand and get proper guidance. It can also indicate failed relationships leading to new ones as well as career changes. 8H shows hidden sexual strength. It also indicates Kundalini Shakti / Power of soul. Saturn is the karaka graha for 8H.
(2) If Saturn is placed in 8H then such a person is self made, not very social, is either a yogi or a bhogi !!, Marriage may not be happy or chances of spouse cheating / spouse short lived / spouse moody / affair with older partner. The father could live longer or may not be supportive. So there could be a delay in getting paternal property. Progeny issues / impotency are likely especially if Saturn is retrograde. Siblings might be more supportive or harmless. Native can have bodily dysfunction or ailment OR breathing /lung issues, Skin / hair problems OR fast aging. If 8H and 10H are well placed then huge success / gains are possible.
(3) If Mars is linked to 8H there is sudden death or native is reckless or impulsive or irresponsible in financial matters. If Rahu and Ketu are placed in 8H then death happens under mysterious circumstances / suspected deaths. Ketu, if afflicted, can cause problems with debts.
(4) Venus here can make a person over sensual. But it also makes him a master of occult. Partner could bring wealth for native when Venus is in 8H. Jupiter here can make a person very probing. This placement too is good for gains from partner. Mercury can make a person curious / deep thinker. Jupiter OR Sun placed here can also make a person healer, teacher, religious etc. If Sun is afflicted then relations with in laws (F. I . Law) may be unpleasant.
(5) Moon in 8H if afflicted can give rise to psychological issues. But a well placed Moon means gains through legacy. In d-9, 3H also shows carrying forward some legacy (can be related to Bhavat bhavam even in D-1's Third Bhava (? not sure needs to be checked).
--->> Note that these (2, 3,4, & 5) are "not" always true because other factors also need to be taken into consideration such as Rasi / Benefic aspects, Shubha yogas, strong Lagna / Lagnesh etc <<----
(6) If there are good / benefic planets in 8H then death is peaceful. The 8H shows how you died in the past life. It also shows bad Karma in the past life.
(7) If there is Gulika / Mandi in 8H in Prashna chart then it denotes black magic (Abhichara)
(8.) The 8th from any bhava is important because the significations of that bhava become difficult to obtain when the lord of that bhava goes 8 places from its own.
(9) 8th rasi from D-3 lagna is the dreaded 22nd drekkana (diseases and negative happenings). 8th rasi from D-9 lagna is all about sustaining the marriage. Any malefic is undesirable here. 8th from D-9 lagna (or for that matter any graha in 8th from any divisional chart lagna is undesirable). If a kendra/ kona adhipati in D-1 chart goes to 8th rasi in D-9 then it does not give desired results. -- > Any graha or adhipati of 8H of D-10 can cause loss / transformation or changes in Job / work patterns in its Antar Dasha (Please test this on more charts!)
(10) If a graha owns dusthana (6 /12) and goes to 8th then it is vipareet Raj yoga. It is good for Materialistic gains. But negative for jeeva significations. In some cases, this also shows perversion (only an indication!! may not mean it always!!)
(11) 8th from moon is also not auspicious placement for especially if there is a malefic then it harms the person's jeeva significations. In gochar, 8th from the Moon is given importance especially when Saturn transits that rasi. This is known as Asthtama Shani. This period corresponds to mental tensions or intense work pressures (positive / negative)
(12) In a Parivartan yog, if any graha lands up in 8H then it loses its power. In parivartan, if there is an exchange of 8L with any Kendra or Trikona lord then effects are negative (unless Shubha yoga exists in the chart). Too many graha in 8H can make a person powerful or well known. But it will cause health issues or sudden losses or sudden windfalls.
(13) 8H can show -- > Accidents / fire, calamities, fear from enemies (Terror attacks), capital punishment / imprisonment, mental agony, misfortunes, corruption, worries, obstacles, occult practices, incurable / chronic diseases, disgrace, dishonor distractions from work or family, religious conflicts, robbery / theft, scandals, Death / Suicide (cause or nature place of death), death by drowning, premature death, , extra-marital affairs
(14) As mentioned above , 8H shows Father's death / longevity, brother's enemies, in female charts it denotes Spouse's longevity, killing of animals (bali pratha / slaughter), Spies, Servants, Serpents, dangerous creatures, poisonous insects
(15) Some materialistic significations of 8H are Bonus payment, lottery, money lending, gratuity, insurance payments, Alimony, spouse's wealth (2nd from 7H), hidden Treasure, inheritance, unearned wealth, unexpected financial gains/ loss, taxes, partnership dissolution, disagreements with spouse, detective, Intelligence department
(16) The diseases related to 8H are usually linked to sex / exernal genital organs, Female reproductive organs, urinary diseases, uterus, loss of body parts
(17) Some places and actions that are related to 8H are Operation theatres, Toilets, Travelling across treacherous places / rivers, Hostels, detention camps, Black Hole, Crematorium, Mining and Underground activities, subversive plots/ operations, sabotage. I have listed some of them in point number (13). These are additional ones which can also be helpful in predictions.
Experts and members, kindly contribute more points that can help everyone in their learning process. NO Charts. No Personal Queries.
These are my "Study Notes" and are subject to modification / improvement . Constructive suggestions are always welcome!
I am testing many concepts of Parashara Paddhati (BPHS) as well as Nadi Jyotisha. Errors / Mistakes may happen.



I have listed some pointers that seem to work in 70% of charts. Experts may add / modify / correct me. These points are helpful while analyzing a chart for delays / issues related to marriage or live in relationships.
1) 7L (Seventh Lord)
- Debilitated
- Retrograde
- Gandanta / Mrityu Bhaga
- Association with Mandi
- Malefic influence (aspect / conjunction-nodes & malefics)
- check malefic influence on 7L from Moon
- check malefic influence on 7L from Venus
2) 7H (Seventh House) & Kendras
- Vakri graha in 7H
- Affliction by Surya
- 7H being Leo and aspected by Surya
- presence of Mandi
- presence or aspect of (saturn, mars,sun) in Kendra (1-4-7-10)
- Rahu-ketu in 1-7 axis (udit lagna and chandra lagna)
- Gyatikaraka in 7H
3) Lagnesh (Ascendant)
- 7L in papa kartari yog + Lagnesh stronger than 7L
- Lagnesh in last 5 degrees or first 5 degrees
4) Malefics / Vakra graha in 2H, 8H and 12H (only from lagna)
5) Affliction to Darakaraka
6) Venus & Jupiter (husband - Parashari) & Mars (husband-Nadi)
- retrograde
- debilitated
- combust
- occupies dusthanas (6 / 8 /12)
- Saturn aspect / conjunct Venus
- Saturn aspect / conjunct Jupiter
- Venus in Leo, Virgo, gemini rasis
- Moon & Venus conjunction or opposite signs
6) Navamsa Chart
- affliction to Venus & Mars
- affliction to Darakaraka
- D-9 Lagnesh in 6 / 8 / 12 (causes hurdles or difficulties)
- presence of saturn in 7H of d-9
- Lagna OR 7H of d-9 being scorpio (past life issues)
- 8H occupied by malefic (?? pls test)
7) Nadi combinations: (general combinations; other factors need to be checked)
- Mars + Rahu (rahu has higher degrees OR the difference is within 9 degrees)
- Mars + Ketu (Ketu has higher degrees OR the difference is within 9 degrees)
- Venus + Saturn
- Venus + Rahu
- Venus in Leo
- Saturn + Moon + Ketu
- Saturn + Mars + Ketu
- many friendly graha with Venus in same rasi
These are GENERAL POINTERS useful for academic study or research purpose. NO Personal Chart or Queries.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022



Simian Crease in Palms

(Heart line + Headline joined together)
* A person with Simian Crease has a determined outlook and can have extremist views in many spheres of life. He / She may find it hard to get along with others.
* This formation could also show a workaholic person who will work.. work and work until midnight!! He / She is goal oriented and seeks to achieve it by exerting.
1)  The position of this line is important. Closer to the headline position, the person will be calculative / money minded. Observe the Mercury finger in this case and see if it is straight or bent towards the sun finger. If it is bent then the possibility of greed for money will be very high.
2)  In female palm, she will always have a self-interest in everything and therefore can lead to breakdown in relationships.
3)  Closer to the position of heartline, a person is hyper sentimental / emotional. This is another extreme!
4) This formation in a female hand is considered unfortunate. It causes severe issues in married life. The female wants to assert herself or break traditional norms or family traditions while in a relationship. But if counselled from childhood, such people can be "very successful" both in professional as well as personal life.
5) The palms with Simian Creases never listen to others' views or are very critical. Even if they listen, they would still do what they have decided. I have seen this formation in the palm of a famous Youtube Astrologer! I was watching his videos and observed this line. His views are extreme. But his tenacity in teaching is incredible!
6) Generally, people with the Simian line are unidirectional thinkers. They are extremely passionate about something or someone they like and give their 100%. If groomed properly they can be high achievers.
7) Former UK PM Tony Blair and Meghan Markle are two famous personalities who have Simian creases in their palm.
* NOTE: The type of Palm (Earthy / Watery / Airy / Fire) gives an accurate description of the nature of the person. The above mentioned points need modification depending on the type of hand, mounts and influence lines in the palm, texture of the palm etc.
8)  I have observed that 80% of the palms with Simian Creases have Jupiter + Mars conjunction (1-5-9) or Jupiter - Mars Parivartana. In Nadi (R G Rao Sir's Nadi System), we generally take graha in mutual trines as conjunction.
9) All the palms that I analysed with Simian creases had either Jupiter-Mars conjunction or parivartana either in lagna or in Navamsha chart. I haven't checked the other varga charts for these palm prints. In short, one can conclude that Jupiter-Mars conjunction / parivartana or aspect (3-7-11 of R G Rao Sir's Nadi system) seem to be dominating the chart.
10)  In the charts, those had Simian creases but DID NOT have Jup +Mars connection, I found that either Jupiter OR Mars played an important role in their life (Either Dasha or in Lagna etc).. You may check and contribute if there are more unique observations. This is an ongoing research.
11)  This means that merely looking at a palm with this feature, one can safely conclude that the major deciding factor ( combination /Graha) in this person's life would be Jupiter and Mars.
Note: Not all birth charts that have Jupiter-Mars conjunctions will have Simian Creases!
12) Simian Crease is ONE of the signs found in the palms of kids with Down Syndrome. It is NOT necessary that everyone who has Simian Crease has Down Syndrome!

Astropalmistry = Astrological analysis based on Palm lines!

  Astro-Palmistry Analysis requires Good / HIGH Quality Palm pictures (Left and Right) as well as Birth chart. In majority of the cases, we ...